Beautiful, simple clips! Non patterned solid grosgrain ribbon covered snap clip barrettes for wispy fine hair. Snap clips wrapped in different color ribbons. No patterns for those looking for simple and basic ribbon covered clips to hold back fly aways! Perfect for sweeping that fringe away!
Ribbon lined small snap clips are about 30 mm long. Lead-tested stainless steel clips that slide in and snap shut like barrettes. We only use non-toxic glues and all our edges are heat sealed to prevent fraying. Looks best on ages 3 to 24 months.
Sweetpod: Ivory, Chantilly, Rose Taupe, Soft Pine, Vintage Gold, Caramel
Amelia: Ivory, Vintage Gold, Soft Pine, Rose Taupe, Colonial Rose, Maroon
Purple Tulips: White, Ballet Pink, Tulip Pink, Fuchsia, Dusky Mauve, Stormy Mauve
Christmas: Ivory, Forest Green, Red, Black, Millennial Pink, Navy
Lilypad: Soft Pine, Rosey Mauve, Chantilly, Rust, French Blue, Ballet Pink
Spring: Ballet Pink, Blue Bell, Mint, Lavender, Peach, Yellow